Just Me and My Swiss Army Knife...
Two years in the Sahel
I have moved to a new website!!
It is      www.meandmyswissarmyknife.blogspot.com
Come and visit!
Go to Updates Page - see May 14th updates (finally!)..............

It's 7 March, 2007 - and some pictures are arriving!  From 3 March, an email update is posted in the updates section.  Just finished a week of "live-in" - which is the first visit to my post.  That's where I'll be stationed for the next two years! 

The people are great and the experiences are plentiful.  We're still very busy in training an all - so I'm having trouble writing enough to everyone - so check back here to get the latest scoop!

The adventure continues...
Update Overview:

 - 9 Jan, 2007 - off to Philly for final training in the U. S. 
 - 11 Jan, 2007 - off to Niger.  A few months of in-country training (stage) before re-locating to my village, (post) 
 - 16 Feb, 2007 - almost half-way through stage, just got my post assignment! 
 - 17 Feb, 2007 - First phone call home - talked for hours!  Update from the callnot posted yet - soon!
 - 3 March, 2007 - Email update posted, just finished a week of live-in in Lassa Bella, (aka Tamtala, to us locals!) Sakina was checking out her post for the next two years.  Some interesting experiences and observations!  Check out the updates page.
 - Official "Swear-in" will be somewhere around St. Paddy's Day.  Then its off to my village!
 - May 14th updates from 4 letters!

Special Note:  A big thanks to all of you who have supported me during the application process all the way through to where I am now.  I'll keep doing my best to keep in touch!    

**Mandatory government-job-related disclaimer:  The views and opinions reflected throughout this site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U. S. Government or the Peace Corps.**

What's with the name of this website?

Some of you don't know that I've seen Jimmy Buffett in concert 18 times - I even got to perform on stage with him when I was quite young!  Those of you that do know won't be surprised to know the inspiration for this site name came from a song about wanderlust.  Click on the "Last Mango In Paris" tab above for more information.