Some mailing tips:
- One 90-cent stamp sends a four-page letter (new rate 5/14/07)
- Letters are more likely to be delivered safely intact (rather than ending up as wallpaper in the post office) if envelopes are business sized, lightweight and as plain as possible.
- It takes about a month for mail to arrive.
- Packages should be sent in padded envelopes rather than boxes and should weigh less than four pounds.
- It helps to number your letters so we know if anything has been lost in transit.
New address -.
14 May, 2007 - Found Out my Post! My new address there:
Brittany Gallagher
Corps de la Paix
Gotheye, Niger
West Africa
that's it! No P. O. Box or anything else!
Old Address -
Brittany Gallagher
Corps de la Paix B.P. 10537
Niamey, Niger
West Africa